
Monday 11 March 2013

Ultraman dan Monster

Nice to see u all again here, in my little colorful world :p

Right now, I wanna share u something fun, about my short conversation with kindergarten children, this afternoon :)

Well, u know that children always say the truth, they will not lie u..
They will also ask everything that they really wanna know.. and we have to answer them wisely..
Although sometimes their questions are difficult to be answered...

Ok, let me tell u the chronology.
There are four boys whom learn to read and write. They are classmate at school, so they are close each other. They always share everything with their friends. Sometimes they disturb the others also :3

When two of them disturbing each other, one of them (R) said:
"I'll tell my brother that u're disturbing me!"
His friend (F) were not afraid,
he said: "Uh, just your brother, I'll tell my Mom :p"
(R): "I'll tell MALAIKAT"
(F): "I'll tell TUHAN"
(R): "I'll tell Allah SWT"
(F): "It's same. Allah and Tuhan is same, u know?!"
(R): "No, My God is Allah SWT, isn't it, Bu?" (he's asking me)

Because all of them are moslem, so I answered: Ya, our God is Allah SWT.. Do u know guys? Allah makes the world and His creature (read: makhluk-Nya)..

They: What is creature, Bu?

Me : It's something being made by Allah SWT. Just like human being and also MALAIKAT, as u said.. What else? Do u know?

(R) : Hm.. I see, ULTRAMAN Bu.. and.. monster!! (He said loudly and seriously)
Me: (Surprised and wanna laugh) That's not being made by Allah SWT, R. That's man's made.

(R) : (Disappointed) Really? hm.. so, what's monster actually? What's inside the monster? (baca: dalamnya monster itu apa?)
Me : There is someone inside a monster :3 (Dalamnya monster itu ada orangnya).

That's all, then I made them give their attention back to the material.

U know, I really wanna laugh at my last answer. Actually, I don't know either about what the inside of monster is hehehe. It's remind me to my childhood. When I did love to watch Teletubbies. I ask myslef: What's inside Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po? Did they real? or just dolls? But no one could answer my question.

At least, (R) felt satisfied because his question has got the answer ^^

NB: About term Allah SWT and Tuhan in this posting, it is just about children saying. I don't focus on it. Sorry if u feel uncomfortable with it. Hopefully u're not misunderstanding. Thank you very much :)

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